all postcodes in L21 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L21 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L21 4LA 2 0 53.462793 -3.00807
L21 4LB 31 1 53.461881 -3.00847
L21 4LD 13 0 53.460863 -3.00905
L21 4LE 3 0 53.460032 -3.009422
L21 4LF 21 1 53.462384 -3.008755
L21 4LG 9 0 53.461681 -3.009039
L21 4LJ 8 1 53.463627 -3.009537
L21 4LL 31 0 53.462815 -3.00988
L21 4LN 21 0 53.463001 -3.01133
L21 4LP 18 0 53.463192 -3.014227
L21 4LR 13 0 53.463354 -3.015285
L21 4LT 6 4 53.460811 -3.011911
L21 4LU 1 0 53.459665 -3.01018
L21 4LW 24 0 53.463043 -3.013771
L21 4LX 37 0 53.463556 -3.01449
L21 4LY 58 1 53.462597 -3.005958
L21 4LZ 12 0 53.462984 -3.006916
L21 4NA 17 0 53.463916 -3.014741
L21 4NB 39 2 53.462277 -3.009761
L21 4ND 3 0 53.460894 -3.011672